Tuesday 23 February 2016

Giveaway Valorbit, get valorbit for free just by signing up via facebook

valorbit is a coin distributed by different people through facebook, twitter, linkedIn orvia email

get valorbit for free just by signing up via facebook/email Here  (see image aboveand get more valorbit by way of share on facebook/twitter/linkedin or invite via email, any friend list via the link your referall and you'll get free valorbit.

specifications :

The name of the coin: Valorbit
Symbol: VAL
https://valorbit.com Official Wallets

Digitally signed wallet
MacOSX 64 bits

Wallets not yet digitally signed
Windows 32 and 64 bits
Ubuntu 64 bits
Source code (GitHub)

CPU miner

There has been no

discussion forum:


Block time = 4 minutes

Coinbase maturity = 250 blocks

Postal minimum age = 8 hours

POW block awards

Year 12:50 000 VAL
Year 1:100 000 VAL
Year 2:200 000 VAL
Year 3 +: 400 000 VAL

premine: 1%

supply: 922 338 021 654 889 VAL

primary distribution: 1% premine are distributed by different people throughfacebook, twitter, linkedIn or via email.

secondary distribution:
2% post
and 120 years pow

I myself have been able to 182k val since this article in Slate

So come on register to get it for free sign up